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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Do the things you think you cannot

Every day is a new beginning.
God give us opportunities for new beginnings. 
Whatever has gone wrong, or right, in your life, 
Never cry on misfortunes or failures  
Assess,rise n Begin again.........
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed 
by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
Dear Friends Future is in ur hand
Taste, smell, and touch your dream,Nvr Quit
You have d power to enroll the worldn Remember
You are never too old to set another goal 
or to dream a new dream.


  1. good good dr saheb
    guj proverb Jagiya tiyrthi SAVAR..(MORNING STARTS WHEN U GET UP,....)

  2. The moment u wake up in the morning is d most wonderful of the
    twenty-four hours.
    No matter how weary or dreary you feel, u possess d certainty dat,
    during d day absolutely anything may happen.The possibility is always
    So never ever Lose an hour in d morning, You will be all day hunting for it.
